Shifting TV subs on a BD

What exactly?

Sushi is a script written by tp7 for putting subs of one source to another source. This is pretty useful if you want a TV/WEB-version sub on a BD-version.
It also works for TV -> WEB sources.

What do I need?

See: Requirements & explanations
As always I highly recommend reading all comments starting with “::” inside the batch files and the explanations of the commands.
Some scripts might not work out of the box.

Scripts that can be useful depending on your case:

Remove_Intro.bat | Removes an intro before the video
Remove_SponsorScreen.bat | Removes an sponsor screen inside the video
Change_FPS.bat | Changes the fps of the source video/audio/subs
As always I highly recommend reading all comments starting with “::” inside the batch files.
Some scripts might not work out of the box.

Changing the styling:

You need Aegisub for that.
Change the styles in one of the template files inside the “audio” folder.
You can also copy and create your own template files.
Keep in mind that you’ve to add the fonts as well. See below.

Adding fonts:

Copy your fonts into the “audio” folder.
Only two fonts are allowed so far. One normal font and one italic font.

Using the script:

If you finished all these steps above, you are ready to use it.
Just run the “Shift_SubTVtoBD.bat” file inside the main folder and follow the instructions on-screen. Open the batch file for some advanced options.